Monday, February 24, 2014

Pros and Kharisma Indonesia The President

1. Ir . Sukarno
Pros and Bung Karno Kharisma like nothing ever runs out for discussion , as the first President , he has a range of competencies that even difficult to surpass by people in general, which controls more than 7 foreign languages ​​, an expert in the field of architecture and master of political sciences and history , in addition to Sukarno was also renowned as a master orator who is second to none . Sukarno is so precise figure Indonesian Nations Leader in his time .

 2. Suharto

Regardless of controversy lately warmed Soeharto credibility can not be disputed . In addition to the President with the longest period yet Soeharto also known as a master strategist . it can be seen from how Suharto run military missions , and genius Suharto most difficult to surpass by people in general is how to take advantage of the situation that occurred in the period 1965-1966 so that is where the name became president Suharto inaugurated the 2nd RI . 

 3. BJ . Habibie


Although President BJ.Habibie is the shortest positions , but he also competence can not be underestimated . As one of the 10 smartest people in the world he is a figure who can be trusted as the 3rd President .

4. Gus Dur

Cleric character works as well as a reform leader Gus Dur charismatic leader figure in his time . Armed with the ability to master several foreign languages ​​and relations that are spread throughout the world , especially the Middle East makes Gusdur worthy and deserve to be president of the 4th Republic of Indonesia although it should eventually forcibly relegated due to the controversial policy 

5. Megawati
Many people who consider the Mega can be the 5th President because his father was supported by big names Ir . Sukarno . That may be true but nevertheless Mega orator is one who is able to accumulate large amounts of time can be seen from PDIP victory in the 1999 elections. 

 6. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono or better known as SBY was the first president elected by direct election system . His competence in leadership could no doubt, since education up to the level of general officer he was always doing amazing things . with capacity thus it is inappropriate for President SBY into 6th until today .

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